Many people discuss or believe that God is angry with mankind. If He is not now, He was at one point in time. This idea also leads many to believe that the Father poured out all of His wrath onto His beloved Son in order to spare mankind from any harm that was to come.
I am just not seeing it. When I read the Scriptures, I see the Father as loving, caring, restoring, healing, correcting, redeeming, saving, guiding, illuminating, opening, revealing, and so much more. The common theme is restoration. That which is lost is found. That which is blind is made to see. That which is dead is resurrected. That which is covered in darkness is illuminated in light.
God is love! Love never fails! Perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment.
I am just not seeing it. When I read the Scriptures, I see the Father as loving, caring, restoring, healing, correcting, redeeming, saving, guiding, illuminating, opening, revealing, and so much more. The common theme is restoration. That which is lost is found. That which is blind is made to see. That which is dead is resurrected. That which is covered in darkness is illuminated in light.
God is love! Love never fails! Perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment.
As we start to look at the Father through the lens of love which only He can provide, it changes how we view everyone else. Suddenly, our relationships begin to transform as the love inside of us flows out freely to all the we touch.
So, if God is not mad at us and never was....why did Jesus come to earth? why did he have to die like he did?
Jesus came to show us our reality. He came to show us that we are the righteousness of God. He came to show us that the Father is not angry at us like many Old Covenant peeps believed. He came to show us that as he is, so also are we in this world. What a powerful truth. God loves you right where you are. As this truth is realized, your life will change. Get ready! Papa is going to knock your socks off.
Jeremiah 33:3, "Call to Me and I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things which you do not know. "